Eating healthy can be hard. Really hard. It seems there are packages of Oreos staring at you at every turn, chocolate bars taunting you. One of my greatest weaknesses is chips and salsa. I always measure out a certain amount of chips and salsa, but without fail, I always find myself headed back to the bag for more chips. Once you start you just can’t stop.
I wanted to be able to enjoy my salsa, without the constant need to run back to the chip back to satisfy my craving for their salty goodness. My solution? Lightly salted cucumber slices. These crunchy slices are the perfect compliment to the salsa and kept my hand out of the chip bag all together. The best part was they were satisfying and very low calorie. The perfect snack for a chip lover who is trying to eat healthy.
Beth Wade says
Great idea! If you need more crunchy snacks, I recommend baked kale, and dehydrated/baked pea pods or green beans (for adding to salads, but I eat them out of the bag like chips).
DysFUNctional Mom says
What a fantastic idea! I love cukes, love salsa, and YEP I love chips. Recently I've been eating the multigrain tortillas with salsa but I can't wait to get some cukes now!
Kenzie Smith says
Lightly salted cucumber slices sound like the perfect replacement for tortilla chips! Yum! Thanks for sharing ♥
Yenta Mary says
Another great idea! Virtually no calories or carbs, lots of color and nutrition and flavor … 🙂 You're right – you may put a small serving of chips in a bowl with the best intentions, but the chips will always sing their Siren song to you until they're all gone ….