Summer is finally here for most students. I know my kids are ready to jump in the pool, play with friends and generally forget about school. That is the biggest problem with the summer, they truly do forget about school. According to the U.S. Department of Education, kids lose about 25% of what they learned during […]
Children's Books
Best Books For Kids
Every Christmas time I get asked over and over again, what books should I buy for my kids this year. I have compiled a list of our absolute favorite books that we read again and again and are perfect for our at home library! Books for Middle Graders ( Ages 8-12) Magic Misfits I never […]
25 of the Best Christmas Picture Books
Every year I wrap up our favorite Christmas book and put them under our Christmas tree. Each night our children unwrap one for us to read as a family. From books about the Nativity to books about Santa Claus, these are some of our VERY favorite Christmas Picture books to find waiting for us under […]
Fun Ideas for an Old Fashioned Summer
When I was younger, I spent my summers playing night games, jumping on our trampoline, reading Nancy Drew and running barefoot all over our neighborhood. My kids love Minecraft as much as anyone’s kids and they had dreams of spending their days glued to either a computer screen or a TV screen. That day when […]
The Best Thanksgiving Books for Children
There are lots of lists for Christmas books, but not as many for Thanksgiving Books. To often we gloss over this holiday when it really has so much to offer. These Thanksgiving books are some of my very favorite. Most of them involve pilgrims because my mom loves the pilgrims and these are the books […]