Harry Potter and Christmas are a match made in heaven. The Christmas chapters of the books and homemade sweaters are some of my very favorite moments in the entire series. This year I have been creating my own Harry Potter inspired tree and adding all sorts of DIYs to it. These Snitches are so easy […]
Book Page Harry Potter Ornaments
If someone ever made me choose between Doctor Who and Harry Potter, I don’t think I could do it. I have a deep love for both and since I have long been known for my awesome Doctor Who Christmas Tree, I decided this year was the year to add a Harry Potter tree to the […]
Easy Cyberman Ornament
It is no secret that I am a huge Doctor Who fan. My purse look like a Tardis, my office is covered in Doctor Who memorabilia and even my favorite pair of shoes bear the Police Box logo. It only make sense that I have a Doctor Who Christmas tree. This tree is one […]
Easy Dalek Ornament
It is no secret that I am a huge Doctor Who fan. My purse look like a Tardis, my office is covered in Doctor Who memorabilia and even my favorite pair of shoes bear the Police Box logo. It only make sense that I have a Doctor Who Christmas tree. This tree is one […]
Christmas Service Advent Ornament #LighttheWorld
This post is sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The craft and service project are my own work and ideas. It took a really long time for me to get into the Christmas spirit this year. Normally we’re listening to Christmas carols in October, but this year it took the […]