Galaxy print is one of my absolute favorite things! You can find it in just about any store and I can’t get enough of it! I love all things galaxy or constellation and have spent the last few years experimenting with galaxy prints myself. I have turned dresses, tablecloths, and even blankets into a swirl of galaxy print and today I am going to show you how to make your own DIY Galaxy Print Hoodie

DIY Galaxy Hoodie
You will need:
- a black hoodie (cotton will work best)
- paint in various colors (I used red, orange, green, purple, white, and blue)
- bleach
- Tie-dye in blue and pink
- spray bottle
- paint in yellow, orange, red, blue and grey
- EasyPress 2 in 12×10
- oval and circle template

Lay your apparel out on a surface that can handle bleach splatter. I usually use the sidewalk. Fill a spray bottle with two parts water to one part bleach and then spray all over your hoodie. Make sure to spray all over the hoodie. Pick a couple of areas to highly concentrate your spray on. After I have sprayed all over the hoodie, I usually take the lid off of the bottle and dump the bleach water on a couple of areas.

Your hoodie should start to turn red, orange, and kind of splotchy with the bleach. Wash your hoodie in cold water with no detergent, just washing out the bleach. Layout the hoodie and swirl hot pink and blue tie-dye all over the dress, focusing on the areas where the bleach has changed the color of the cloth. You will want to use a one-step tie-dye for the best results. Leave your tie-dye out overnight to set.

Use an oval template to create the galaxies on the dress. The exact size doesn’t matter as long as you have that nice oval shape. This one is 3.5 inches wide and 5.5 inches tall.
Use the templates to paint the galaxy swirls on the cloth. Start with a large light oval (yellow works great for this), add blue curved lines around your oval, using the edge of the oval template you cut out and then make a smaller pink or red oval in the center of your yellow oval.
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Add white smears to your pink and blue to lighten them up a little bit and then outline your blue curved lines in a dark purple. Dip a paintbrush in a generous amount of white paint and flick the paint all over your galaxy swirl.
Repeat this process until you have a few galaxies on your hoodie. Now it is time to add the planets!
Paint Planets
If you want to make paint planets instead of iron on, use a circle template on the dress. Make sure to press the circle template firmly to the dress while painting or tape it down so you can dab colors in a perfect circle. This is part of what will make the circles look like planets. Blues and greens look really good together as well as reds and yellows.
After you have applied all of the paint allow the dress to dry completely over a period of several days and then wash on gentle. Then rock that galaxy!

Would kind of galaxy apparel would you make?
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