Some of my favorite childhood memories involve Flubber. My mom was a Cub Scout leader for a long time and every year, she had an activity based on Flubber. We’d make and then play with it for weeks, until my mom got sick of it and threw it away, then we looked forward to making it next year.
There are quite a few different ways to make Flubber. The way I learned to make it as a child involved Borax, but in an effort to keep borax out of my home, I have started making this recipe. I don’t believe it holds together as well as the original Borax recipe, but it is still full of fun. Just in case you are against using laundry starch in the recipe as well, there is a gentler recipe included as well.
Flubber using Glue and Starch
You will need:
1 Cup of Elmer’s Glue
Food Coloring
1 Cup of Liquid Laundry Starch
Put the glue in a bowl and add your coloring. Stir until mixed well. Add the laundry starch a little bit at a time until the mixture stiffens. Roll together and knead until it holds together. If it seems too sticky, add more laundry starch a little bit at a time until it becomes rubbery.
Flubber without Glue or Borax
You will need:
1 Cup Warm Water (It really needs to be warm. Not hot, but warm. It is crucial.)
Food Coloring
2 Cups Corn Starch
Stir the coloring into the warm water. Add the Cornstarch a little bit at a time until you get a slime like consistency. If it is runny, add more corn starch.
Be careful when letting your kids play with Flubber, it makes a pretty big mess when left on carpet, but it is so much fun!
I think I'll have to try this with my 4YO next weekend. Thanks for posting!
That brings back great memories! I used to make that with my older kids. My younger kids have missed out. Since I ended up with troops of them I slacked in the creative mom role.
Thanks for the recipe!
This is great! Thanks for the recipe, am definitely trying it this weekend.
That looks like so much fun! Thanks for the recipe!
This stuff is so much fun! We used to make it in High School and college all the time. So many memories.
xo Erin
Hello Debra!
Thanks for sharing your experience and feedback on my post (Trip to KLCC Aquaria). Happy Wednesday to you & family! 🙂
~ Jenny ( )
I'm going to have to try this with my boys! Thanks for sharing!