While Easter may look a little different this year depending on how all of the quarantines play out, you can still make it a wonderful holiday. These cute little Pipe Cleaner bunnies are easy to make and only really require two supplies (You can paint the beads if you want to though). You don’t need scissors or glue and all of the materials can be easily ordered online and mailed to you! I have been making them since I was a kid and they are absolutely darling!
How To Make Pipe Cleaner Bunnies
You will need:
- Pipe Cleaners
- Wooden beads
- paint
I was able to pick up everything I need from Oriental Trading. The best part? Their Mega Assortment of Unfinished Beads has all three sizes that you need to make these. Way to make life easy!
Paint a small, medium and large bead all in the same color, or get adventurous like we did and do splashes of color on some of your beads! We had a whole make it pink, make it blue scenario from Sleeping Beauty happen in our house, so we went with both!
Step 1: Take two pipe cleaners and fold down the top about two inches to create ears.
Step 2: Twist the ears to secure them.
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Step 3: Twist your two pipe cleaners together right at the bottom of the ears.
Step 4: Slide both pipe cleaners through your medium-sized bead.
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Step 5: Slide your big bead onto your pipe cleaners, right next to your medium bead.
Step 6. Bend the pipe cleaner into feet.
Step 7. Slide your smallest bead onto the pipe cleaner leftover from your feet.
Step 8. Wrap your pipe cleaner up, so the tiny bead is by the bunny’s body.
Step 9. Fold the leftover pipe cleaner back through the hole in the large bead.
Step 10. Fluff out the ears and feet to finish off your adorable bunny.
What are you making with your kids this Easter?
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