18. Filtered Water Bottle. This is my go-to water bottle for staying hydrated on the go. It has an easy sip straw that even my one year old can use, so it is the perfect water bottle choice for our whole family. I love the hard-sided design so that I am not worry that it is going to get squished open in my bag. The best part of the water bottle? It has the clean, filtered taste of bottled water without having to buy a new bottle every time. The water bottle has a filter that your water is run through to make sure it tastes clean and free from chlorine and other taste-changing minerals found in tap water. I actually found my water bottle in the home improvement section of Walmart with the other water filters.
Wet Swimsuit Bag Tutorial

Nothing can put a bigger damper on your summer bag than a wet swimsuit. I don’t want to throw it in my bag because then everything else will end up soaked, but if I don’t put it in my bag it can easily get left behind in the hustle of trying to get home from the splash pad or water park.
This easy-to-make wet bag can be whipped up in less than 15 minutes and is perfect for bringing home that wet swim suit, or anything else that is wet, like a blown-out baby outfit. I even love to use mine for travel. It is handy for carrying shampoo and other toiletries that could open and make a mess.

You will need:
- fabric
- waterproof material (I like using a shower curtain or bed cover)
- pins
- ribbon

I didn’t give exact dimensions for the bag because you can really make this any size. I just made sure my fabric was rectangular to give me the shape I wanted in a finished bag. Cut the waterproof material to be the same size as your fabric. Lay the waterproof material on top of the wrong side of the material. Fold your fabric over about 1/4 of an inch and then fold it over again about 3/4 of an inch. Pin. Repeat for the opposite side.

Sew the tops down, making sure to leave plenty of room to thread a ribbon through. Then fold the bag in half, wrong sides together and pin. Sew up the sides, but make sure to not sew all way to the top, so there is room in the casing for the ribbon to go through.

Turn the bag right side out.

Using a safety pin, thread a piece of ribbon through the bag. When you reach the hole of the other side, thread it into the other side of the bag. Tie the ribbon together. Repeat on the other side.

Simply pull both sides of ribbon to cinch the bag closed and your wet bag is finished! I love mine and we use it all the time!
I can’t wait to spend our entire summer outside and in the water. All our summer bag essentials make it so we can be outside as much as possible without having to run home. I love that this bag helps keep us not only on the go but healthy while doing it.

I always just use plastic grocery bags, but that is a cute idea, too.
I love your wet bag. What a great idea to use a shower curtain.
Michelle F.
I tend to drink a lot of liquids in the summer. I did not realize Brita came out with one that is a take along–I definitely need one of these!
That turned out so cute! I love your bag. I try to bring a bunch of healthy snacks. Swimming makes for hungry little mermaids.
This is such a great list, Debra! I hadn't thought about stain removing wipes–what a great idea!
I need to add the bite stick and stain remover wipes. Also, that wet bag is genius!
Cute idea! You might want to check out PUL (polyurethane laminate) fabric. It's an all-in-one fabric that is waterproof. It's what I made our wet bags from when my kids were in cloth diapers. They sell it at Joann's in the baby section, even in smaller cuts. And, they have such cute prints on it now.
Your beach bag is way more prepared than mine is! I'm going to take a few of these packing tips for my own.
I love this idea! I may need to use this hack this summer when I take my boyfriend’s daughter to the beach!