I love sweets. Even though I am not a chocolate person, I can name any number of sweets that I crave in any particular day — cheesecake, ice cream, yum! I love them all, but I don’t eat any of them. You read that right, I don’t eat them. I haven’t always been off sugar […]
clean eating
Oven Baked Kale Chips
In our house, we like to eat pretty clean. We eat whole grains, little refined sugar and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, or we did. We have spent the last three weeks at my mom’s house in Utah, while we get settled. Now my parents don’t eat bad meals, there is just lots of […]
Grocery Shopping – Clean Eating Style
Last week, when I introduced my family’s change to clean eating, I received a lot of positive feedback and even more questions about how to go about it doing it. Perhaps the biggest obstacle in many peoples’ minds (besides the obvious change of diet) is the cost. Anybody who has been on any sort of […]
My Introduction to Clean Eating
I love food. There, I said it. Happy? I love to eat food. I love to make food. Heck, I even love to watch people eating food (yes, Food Network is a strange addiction). Unfortunately, food loves me too, to the point where it never wants to leave. Recently, I’ve felt kind of, well, blah. […]