Donate to the Exhibit Here. Have you ever been to The Leonardo? It is an incredible museum that is somewhere between a regular museum and a children’s museum. It encourages people to explore and discover how things work, while being appealing to every age group. The Leonardo is bringing in a brand new exhibit featuring […]
Local Bloggers
Learning to Ski at Wolf Mountain Resort
My dad took me skiing a couple of times as a kid, and even though it is something I enjoy, I haven’t been on skis since I was a kid. When Wolf Mountain offered me the chance to bring my little girl for a ski lesson, I jumped at the chance. Wolf Mountain Resort is […]
The New Outlets in Utah (Outlets at Traverse Mountain)
Have you ever felt the need to photograph a bathroom. Yeah… not usually me either. I could help myself with this one. It is gorgeous. The beautiful room is part of the new Outlets at Traverse Mountain in Lehi, UT. I found myself up there for the opening and I absolutely love them. (Becky from […]
Crazy Fun with DownEast in Tooele
Do you have a go to outfit? One you know that will kill at any event? I do, it is a grey dress that I bought at DownEast forever ago. I know that I can move in it, that I won’t accidentally reveal more of myself that I want to and it is comfortable. That is […]
When We Strengthen Women We Strengthen The World (Night out with Katherine Nelson)
Last week I was having one of those days. Not one of those days where your favorite shirt rips or your lose your keys, I was having one of those days that knocks the breath out of you and you wonder how you are going to get up the next day. By two in the […]