Congratulations on your new home!
Whether you have bought or you have taken a step into a rental, you are moving into a new home and it’s on you now to work on settling in and getting it exactly as you want it to be. A new home is exciting but this is a big move and that comes with big stress. You want to get in there and straighten out the house so that you can call it a home. So, with this in mind, let’s talk about the things that you need to do to settle into your new home!

- Remember To Tell People!
As well as your friends and family, you need to let people know that you are moving addresses. Changing your address with your utilities companies, your bank, your credit card company, your driving license – there is a long list! Don’t forget your voter’s registration card, either, as you want to still be able to vote! You’re moving to a new house and you need people to know about it before you completely move in. Don’t forget this part of the puzzle – you can’t settle in if you know all of your old mail is going back to your house that you used to live in.
- Keep Documents To One Side
When you’re moving, you are always advised to pack an “essentials” box for easy access in the new house. This usually has charger wires, internet hubs, a kettle and mugs for a hot drink when you arrive, etc. You should also put a box together of your important documents. From your passport and birth certificates to your insurance documents, you need to think about the documents you need easy access to when you move. Closing documents should be included in here, too, so that you have your costs, ownership of the house and more put away safely. Keep all of your warranties in this box, too!
- Make It Secure
You cannot relax and settle into a new house if you don’t have the security to make it work. Set up your security with a video system, alarms and more. You need to feel like your new environment is working for you and you can only do this with the right security system installed. You may have just moved in, so consider changing the locks for the doors and windows of the house, and you can ensure that no one else has access to the building. You need to feel like you can sleep well and settle and security is a must. Don’t forget this step: the last thing that you need is a claim on your home insurance at the start of the move!
- Send The Builders In
Almost every homeowner has a builder or surveyor perform a walk through of the house right before closing on the sale and the move-in date. Always check your list to make sure that your builder knows where to look in the home and fix anything that needs fixing. You don’t want to move into a building site if you can avoid it, and while so many things will have been fixed up before you officially move in, you do need to make sure of everything before you do it.
- Get Acquainted With Your House
You want to make sure that you know all the quirks and ins and outs of your new house before you move in. A builder or surveyor can take you through a walkthrough of the house and ensure that you are happy with the house and everything to do with it. You need to know where the key operating systems, electrical box, boiler and more are in the house. If you don’t know where something is located – ask! You need to learn this before you move in so that you’re not stuck with a power cut but you can’t find the fuse box! Knowing where the water cut off valves are equally as important, too, especially when there’s a leak. You need to know where these systems are, but you also need to know how to operate them. Do you know how to operate the thermostat and the water sprinklers? Do you know how to get the garage door opener fixed? This list of stuff should be learned as early as possible!
- Local HOA Regulations
Most people have issues with home owner association rules, but you need to know what the rules are for your community. You don’t want to find yourself in breach of any rules if you can avoid it, as you want to live as comfortably as possible. When you learn the rules of the area that you live in, you are going to be a proactive member of the community. This is what you should aim to be in your new home as you want to be able to integrate with the neighbors and not annoy them at the same time.

- Start Planning The Interior
You must have an idea for each room in the house, right? Well, it’s time to make that a reality and start decorating the home! You can think about colors, paint vs wallpaper battles, furniture options, lighting – it’s all important and relevant to your new house. You need to feel proud of your home and these are the things that will make you proud of the house you’re in. Settling in is so much easier if you can have new things around you, so don’t forget to use to get your electrical goods sorted. You need to have great furniture and the best decor to make your home stand out, and this is how to do it.
- Integrate
Once you’ve moved in and you’re all settled, get out and meet the neighbors. If you can guarantee that your neighbors are going to support your move, you will feel happier in the new street. Go and knock and introduce yourself, and you will be able to make new friends. You can get to know the neighbors and get reviews of the local schools and play areas, and you may even find that there is a regular meet for the grown ups in the street to enjoy, too. Knowing your community is going to help you, too, as they can direct you to the fire stations, hospitals, doctors surgeries and more in the area! Once you know where all of these places are, you can feel safer and as if you have assimilated into your new street.
- Throw A Party!
What a way to settle into the property! Throw a party and invite the community and your friends and families to see your new property. You should show off the house you’ve gained and all of the decor that you’ve put your effort into; it’s a big deal. You should only do this after you feel comfortable and settled, but if you have a housewarming party, it’s likely that people will bring you housewarming gifts – cha-ching!
- And Breathe!
Moving is stressful, but once you do move in, you need to take a minute to just breathe. You’ve contacted everyone, you’ve taken the steps to make your house a home and the best thing to do is to just take a breath and relax. Bring the neighbors in and host a cookout and just spend time getting to know people in your space. It’s exciting, this move, and you should think about how you want to make your stay a great time.
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