Hey, have you heard about this cool site called Pinterest? Of course you have. Pinterest is a great site for finding new crafts, fashion styles, trendy quotes, women with abs of steel and desserts that make you gain weight just by looking at them. One of the best things about Pinterest is the Pin It bookmarklet.
Recently, I discovered another site that makes extensive use of a bookmarklet, and is quite similar to Pinterest, except it’s for shopping. Got your attention?
Let’s sweeten it. Not only is this a site for shopping, but it’s designed to help you find the best deal for online shopping. It’s called Hukkster.
The point of Hukkster is simple:
- Go online shopping.
- Find an item you like, but would like to wait for a better deal before buying.
- Hukk (their word for pinning) the item to your Hukks list
- When the item goes on sale, you will be sent an email, text message (or both).
- With one click of the mouse you are taken to the deal and can purchase the item.
Notice it shows the price on the site you were looking at. You then get to select when you want to be notified: when it goes on sale, when the price drops 25% or when the price drops 50%. Also, you can add the item to a list. By default, you have to type in a list name, but once you’ve already created a list, it will suggest the list to you as you type.
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