If there’s one thing I truly despise, it’s paper clutter. I hate Post-It Notes, scraps of paper, anything left on my door and pretty much most mail in general. Why such a bizarre disdain for paper? It clutters up my house and when I need info from that paper, I can never find it.
Sure, I could develop more elaborate schemes to keep the clutter at bay, but I find the simplest solution the best: eliminate paper from my life, where I can. One of the greatest tools for helping me simplify the paper clutter is an app called Simplenote. Available for iOS, Android, Mac and the web, Simplenote has quickly become my go-to app for jotting down quick ideas.
There are a number of great note-taking apps available, and I’ve tried many of them, and use a few, but Simplenote stands out among the crowd for a number of reasons.
Simplicity. Just as the name of the app implies, it is stripped down and basic, but not so bare you feel you don’t have a few features that draw you in. There’s no formatting, just typing.
To start a new note, press the plus sign. The first line you type becomes the title of the note. From there, you can type as you wish. It’s just quick writing and/or copy/paste at its best.
Tagging. If you’re like me, you take a ton of notes, but finding those notes later can be a pain. That’s where tagging comes in handy. Simplenote has a simple tagging system that allows you to specify the tags you like best. You can then search by tag, as needed.
Sharing. While meant to be a simple note-taking tool, Simplenote has a rather basic, yet convenient sharing feature. To share a note with someone, simply type in their email address. They can then collaborate on the note. Simple as that.
Versioning. Simplenote keeps track of the changes you make to the note over time. If you ever have the desire or need to go back to a previous version, you can quickly select that version and you’re good to go.
Again, this is an app with no frills, but refreshingly so. It’s more user-friendly and quick to use than the built-in note-taking apps, and has just enough features to keep it interesting. I’m hooked.
I love all of these posts. I think this is the month I will finally become a smart phone owner
Oh this is something I need to play with on my phone. thanks!