Wowza! It has been one whole year since I began this weekly Wednesdays on the Web segment. 52 webby Wednesdays.
A year ago, I was in the best shape of my life and training to run a 188 mile race (split with 11 other people, of course).
Today, I am 24 weeks pregnant and breathing heavy from polishing off a bag of Starburst jellybeans. Before 10 AM.
My how things change… Let’s take a walk back down memory lane, eh?
We’ve talked about fitness, virtual makeovers for you, and virtual makeovers for your home.
We’ve overcome menu writer’s block and found reasons to celebrate EVERY day (especially birthdays).
The web has helped us find our lost phones (and, I use those services at least once a week!), mail packages, shop for vehicles, and get rid of our unneeded things (or pick up a few more).
There have been some random fun things and some random photo fun things and some random word collage things.
We’ve made some resolutions and goals and tracked them with to-do lists.
We learned that Santa really is watching (and how to give him our lists in a convenient online format), and where our taxes really go.
We created online surveys and created and shared PDFs.
We talked about your Blogger profile and the importance of linking your email to your profile. And later we talked about setting up a blog-specific email address but still only having to check one email account.
We discussed web browsers and how to make them even better with add-ons.
We covered the bases of basic web security and Facebook “privacy” and passwords and what to check BEFORE you click Publish.
And did you notice that I’m a Google-phile? So we explored Goog411 and text to Google, free calls through Google Voice, and my favorite features of Gmail, plus how to give Google your two cents.
And Blogger… oh, yeah, we talked Blogger! We talked about the Blogger image uploader (and how Picasa can make your life so much easier), the new email subscription widget, and dynamic views.
We got technical with some basic HTML and creating our own blog buttons (part one and part two).
We talked usability: what it is and how to organize your navigation, getting to know your readers, seeing what your readers see, and loading times.
We talked links: basics, image vs. text, opening in a new window, and making them visible but not blinky.
We talked (and talked!) about feeds and subscriptions in Feedburner, using a feed reader (or not), using Google Reader, using Feedly, full and partial feeds, email subscriptions and, oh yeah, I wrote a silly story starring me Goldilu, costarring 3 feed readers.
And… that brings us here. To today. To the FUTURE. {insert cheesy inspirational music here}
So… what did you love? what do you want to see more or less of?
Now is your chance. Change the future. And… go! (to the comments, of course!)
Lu (or Lorene if you prefer) is the mom of one squirmy boy and the wife of a singing and dancing elementary teacher. She is the proud author of this weekly Wednesdays on the Web (WotW) segment here on Housewife Eclectic and spends the other days of the week blogging about crafts and whatever else comes up at just Lu.
You've covered such a wide range of subjects. I've learned a lot from your WotW posts – and have referred people to your site for answers/information.
Your posts on feeds and subscriptions and feed readers completely changed my blogging life. I'm not exaggerating… you really did! Thanks! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next 🙂