Whether you work from home from time to time, you run a business from your study, or you share your computer with your kids, it’s wise to take steps to optimize performance and prolong life expectancy. Computers aren’t cheap, and often, taking good care of your devices can save you a lot of money in the long-term. If you’re hoping to keep hold of your home computer for many years to come and you’re keen to ensure it’s firing on all cylinders, here are some tips and tricks to bear in mind.
Did you know that computer keyboards are around 20,000 times dirtier than a toilet seat? This is a shocking statistic, which should hopefully spur you on to clean your computer on a regular basis. Cleaning is not just beneficial for hygiene reasons, but also for functionality. If your keyboard is stuffed with dirt and dust, or the openings of your laptop or desktop are filled with debris, this could impact performance. Get into the habit of wiping your monitor and keyboard down and use a tool, for example, a compressed air cleaner, to remove dust and debris from between the keys.
Programs and apps
Programs and apps can make spending time on your computer productive and enjoyable, but they can also slow your systems and take up space. Most of us have a huge list of apps and programs that we don’t use or need, so it’s a good idea to check what you’ve got installed on a regular basis. If you have apps that you don’t use, consider uninstalling them. If you’re not a pro when it comes to IT, you’ll find reviews and articles about tools like macos uninstallers online. There are various different options available and they help to simplify and speed up the process of streamlining your app list.
Nothing sets you back when you’re trying to compile a report or complete college work as a security breach. If you get a virus or your computer is slow or it keeps crashing, this can be incredibly frustrating and worrying. Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to cybersecurity. Install anti-virus software, use password protection and make sure you visit secure sites, especially if you’re making payments or providing personal information. Run scans frequently and make sure your software is up to date. If you’re using the Internet either at home or at work, make sure you access a secure network. You should be prompted to enter a password if your device isn’t automatically connected.
Spring cleaning
Spring cleaning is not only beneficial for your home. It’s also useful for your computer. While this task isn’t season-specific, it’s a good idea to take stock of what you’re storing and get rid of any computer-based clutter. Junk and temporary files, for example, will slow your computer down and take up storage space.
If you work from home, or you’re tackling a project away from the office, time may be of the essence. Most of us don’t have the time or the patience to wait for pages to load. Our computers store files without us even realizing it, and we tend to collect apps and programs as we go. Cybercrime can also be a real threat. To optimize performance, clean your computer and any connected devices, uninstall unwanted programs and apps, delete files you don’t need and make sure your computer and your networks are protected.
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