My youngest daughter isn’t big enough to keep up on her balance bike, so we usually end up leaving her home with daddy when we go bike riding. She absolutely HATES it. We looked into getting a trailer, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to commit to dragging one around every time we rode bikes. We found this Tyke Toter that allows a toddler or small child to actually ride your bike with you and my daughter absolutely love this.
Tyke Toter is a seat with handle bars that attached to the main frame of an adult bicycle. I love the placement of it. She is right in between my legs so I feel like she is secure, but the placement doesn’t disrupt the peddling of the bike at all. She has a little foot rest too. It has really helped us get out and about with out bikes more because the little one can come with us whenever we want to go.
My daughter loves being up front where she can see everything that is going on and it has such a simple installation, that it is easy to remove if I am going biking by myself.
Picnics- My girls love to pull together a picnic and head to the park. We leave a picnic blanket in our car at all times for spontaneous ones. Sometimes we just grab a loaf of French Bread and a pitcher of lemonade! We also love popsicle picnics. I will throw a bunch of popsicles in a cooler with ice packs and then they have something to cool them off while we are playing at the park!
Geocaching. The concept of finding hidden caches left by other people or “Treasure Hunting” as my 7-year-old calls it has really gotten us off the coach and moving around. We use the GPS on our smart phones to look for caches wherever we might be. We keep a small travel soap container in our car with mini treasures in it to trade with whenever we go Geocaching.
Pokémon Go– Pokémon Go is a lot like Geocaching but the prizes are all virtual. My kids love chasing after Pokémon .It has gotten us outside and playing, which I love! There is a screen involved but there is lots of walking or bike riding too! We like to head to a large local area like a park and then designate someone to be the screen watcher. The other people keep their eyes on the surroundings so that nobody walks into anything or anybody.
For those of you new to Pokémon Go, is a game in which you have to physically walk around to catch the Pokémon. After you sign up, the game will show you a live map of where you are and then as you walk around you will be able to find Pokémon and catch them by throwing a Pokéball at it.
There are many different types of Pokémon and each different type has strength and weaknesses. Your phone will buzz when there is a Pokémon nearby. Tap on the Pokémon and you will be taken to the screen where you can throw a Pokéball. There is a circle around the Pokémon that will tell you how easy the Pokémon is to catch. Red is the Hardest, followed by yellow and then green Pokémon are the easiest to catch.
What is a Pokéstop?
Pokéstops are usually located at local landmarks. Visiting Pokéstops are a way to get items that you need in the game. Go to a Pokéstop and then click on it to activate it and retrieve items such a Pokéballs and eggs.
What is a Gym?
A gym is a place where you can battle other players to gain control of a gym. Pokémon battle one on one. You tap on the enemy for a small attack or tap and hold for a larger attack if your meter is full. You dodge attacks from other Pokémon by swiping left and right. The battle continues until faints.
Some tips for parents about Pokémon Go
- Make sure that your child chooses a username that doesn’t identify them.
- Be aware that not everybody has a child friendly user name.
- Be care about how much data you are using while you play. Don’t go over for a game.
- Bring a battery pack. This app is a battery hog for sure.
- Go with your kid. Pokéstops and Gyms are places where people go together. You don’t know who could be there, so go with them and stay staff. Playing during light hours is also important with this one.
- Make sure you have adjusted the settings on in app purchases so they aren’t spending without you knowing it.
- Make sure to wear good shoes and bring water. It can be a lot of walking!
- Designate one person the Pokémon watcher and one person to watch the surroundings. My daughter usually walks with my phone in one hand and my hand in the other, to help keep her safe.
- The best way to catch Pokémon quickly is hopping on a bike. We bike from landmark to landmark and then stop and catch out Pokémon.
Our favorite easy hikes in Utah include:
- Battlecreek Falls– is a steady incline that is perfect for little hikers. It has a gorgeous falls that is about 3/4 of a mile up from the trailhead.
- Bridal Veil Falls- a easy, paved trail this a great one to hit with your bikes or strollers. The kids can play in the water and feed the fish!
- Cascade Springs– A gorgeous trail with rivers, fish and waterfalls. It is a stroller friendly hike so perfect for those with littles.
What do you love to do outside?
Our family loves walking at the beach near our home and swimming in our pool! Water is usually a part of our outdoor fun!
My husband and I just got new bikes for ourselves for Christmas this year and it has been awesome to get out with the family. We need to try geocaching and Pokemon Go to add to the fun.
I love biking and that seat is darling!
We are geocaching lovers too! I've turned my grandkids onto it as well. Biking and picnics are also great family activites!
These are such great ideas. I love the bike set-up that you have.
There's so many fun things to do during the summer and it's always nice to be able to do it with the whole family! I love the ideas that you have here and I'm sure it will make the summer even more memorable!
We love to go for family hikes. This Pokemon game became so popular over night! I've got to try it.
These are such great tips and I love all of your photos. Your girls are absolutely adorable. My boys haven't gotten into the Pokemon game yet, but I'm sure that it is coming.
I love how you are able to explain the Pokemon craze for those of us a little far behind. Looks like you had a wonderful day with the fam!
I will generally avoid video games with my boys, but interactive ones like Pokemon Go might actually be a fun activity to enjoy as a family!
When I was a kid we all would go biking as a family. It was so much fun. I loved being outside and feeling the wind in my hair.
We have yet to try pokemon go – I'm not sure I understand it. However, I think my kids would love it! We love to get out for hikes when the humidity isn't too bad.
I really want to try geocaching, it sounds like fun. I love the idea of finding little treasures left by others.
Pokemon Go is literally taking over the country. I used to play the card game as a kid but this is next level. Hey its getting the new generation of kids out the house, but yeah its interesting to say the least.
Can I just say that I LOVE this list of outdoor activities. What a great way to spend more time outside with the family. As for PokemonGo, I only have one great testimonial for it: since we started playing on Monday, I have lost 4.5 pounds, have lost the urge to nap all the time, and get to spend quality time with my kids!