Everybody should have a first-aid kit. Everybody should also have a boo-boo box to keep mom’s from going insane. This idea was born more than 20 years ago. As an extremely dramatic child, I felt I needed a band-aid on every tiny scratch. Since my mom did not want me in her complex first-aid kit, she would have to help me every time. We both became frustrated, because I insisted I NEEDED those band-aids and she insisted that I didn’t. Thus the boo-boo box was born.
This box contained Neosporin and band-aids. It was really simple but it also didn’t contain anything really dangerous and so it could be left down where the kids could get it. My mom’s was just a Tupperware container. I decided to make mine a little bit cuter.
I found a container at the dollar store and bought some fun scrapbook paper. I then cut four strips to fit the sides and modge podge them one at a time onto it.
I threw my basic supplies in the box and then finished the lid.
Now, I am sure you could come up with the cutest lid ever, but I am crazy nostalgic and this is what the lid of the original box looks like. So I stuck to it. Now the tradition of the boo-boo box continues.
P.S. We are all grown adults now and my mom still has her boo-boo box in her cupboard and we still all use it. It really beats having to get down the first aid kit everytime you need a Band- Aid.
Omigosh we must be in sympatico. I actually made one of these last night. It only took me almost 12 years of parenting and putting the whole unloaded first aid kit away 3 x times a day to strike on this idea :/
The drama has just started with my little guy…and this is the perfect idea! thanks!
😀 That brings back memories. I made a boo boo box for my kids when they were little. It was in my old Holly Hobby lunchbox, which we still have. Basic boo-boo supplies are still stored in it, although there is now also aspirin and a few other things that weren't in the original kit.
You box is adorable. Memories are made of things like this.
Too cute! I just tell them to take a lap. <—former gym teacher here
So cute! My parents just always said if it hurt that bad they must need to amputate. 🙂
we do have a boo boo box and my teenage girls still call their boo boos – boo boos..lol
thanks for visiting me – I am new follower.
Thanks for the great idea. My daughters always needing a band-aid.
This would be great to have in the car.
Visiting from SITS–I love this idea! My bandage-obsessed 4 yr old will go nuts over having his own boo-boo box 😉
Hi stopping by from SITS this is such a cool idea especially for me since i have 2 under 2 .. ya YIKES! lol im sure we will be living in the world of boo boos soon.
What a cute idea! I should make a pocket sized version so I don't have to drag the kids at work to the office every time they need a band-aid!