I don’t plan on sharing a post a day for the whole month on what I am thankful for, but I would be so remiss today if I didn’t share.
I am so grateful for small miracles. The ones we don’t even notice and remember. The fact that somebody behind us was able to hit their brakes just in time. All the accidents that are avoided. All the times we arrive home safely. All the times our kids sleep through the night.
My little family this Halloween
On Halloween, my daughter and I drove the hour to see my parents. My mom needed her small Captain America fix and my daughter had been missing my mom. As we were driving, I felt strongly that I needed to change lanes. I switched lanes and just a minute or so later a ladder came flying off the truck that had been in front of me. It landed on the freeway instead of on my car because I changed lanes.
I am grateful for my chronic back and neck pain. It means that I walked away from an accident I should have been really hurt in.
I am grateful for all the packing boxes around me because it means we live together in a wonderful little home.
I am grateful for a best friend that made sure my porch had new pumpkins on it before we woke up, because she knew how upset my daughter was that our pumpkins were stolen.
I am grateful for the internet, that I can see pictures of my nieces and nephews who live so far away from me.
I am grateful for a little girl who doesn’t sleep through the night and comes to me crying, because it means it loves and trusts me to comfort her. (although I would be REALLY grateful if she would sleep through the night.)
I am grateful to my wonderful husband, who hung the same picture for me THREE times last night because I kept changing my mind. I am grateful that he works so hard for our family. I am most grateful that he stuck by me, even when we thought there was a good possibility I was going to be bed ridden for the rest of my life. (I am luckily not bed ridden, I think I might finally be ready to share that story soon.)
I am grateful for a little girl that wanted to be Captain America for Halloween even though people kept telling her that a girl couldn’t be Captain America. I am grateful she stuck to her guns. I am grateful she is strong. She’ll need to be.
I love this post. Every last bit. Love you!
Love this. So glad you changed lanes friend! And you guys are adorable.