Bienvenidos! If I was a radio station, I’d be broadcasting live from South Texas, but since I’m a blogger, I’m posting semi-live from my personal computer. It’s all the same really, right? If most radio DJs are broadcasting recipes and crafts across the airwaves, then I guess it is the same. I want to say welcome to all my SITSters joining me from SITS today!I’m Debra. I am a newspaper reporter/photographer turned stay-at-home mom to a toddler entering the terrible twos, who started blogging because a professor told me to and kept blogging because I truly love it. I spent years scared of my sewing machine and I am still terrified of being forced to do dishes, but those fears aside, I love to sew, read, cook and photograph, and this is where I bring all of those loves together.
Every Tuesday is a Tasty Tuesday, where I show you all the recipes I am cooking up, including Utah State’s famous Marv N’ Joe. On Wednesdays, my real-life best friend writes a segment about the web. She evens show you how to find your lost phone. On Thursdays, I share a tutorial on how to take better pictures or how to edit them. I love to answer readers’ photography questions and help y’all out for your family photo shoots by giving you ideas of what to wear for family pictures. All around those days, I publish book reviews, movie reviews, and all of the crazy crafts that pop into my head, including making origami roses. Sometimes I get a little personal and write letters to my world.
Other than my crazy amount of eclectic posts, we have something kind of special around here. The Housewife Eclectic Blogshare Community is a free blog listing where you can list your blog in any number of categories, including coupons, mommy, family, recipes, reviews, giveaways and such. The Blogshare Community allows readers to find your blog and helps you find new blogs in categories that you are interested in. So, go ahead, sign up your blog, you know you want to.
If you are looking for a little more, you can check out my recipe bar, or my book review bar, both located on the left-hand side of my blog. They are there to help you find your next family dinner or your next must read.
Yea!!! Congratulations!!! I am so excited to see someone I follow have thier SITS day!
Congratulations!!! A SITS feature day couldn't happen to a nicer blogger!! Hope you get lots of traffic today!
Congratulations and enjoy your special day. I hope today brings you many new followers and lots of comment love.
Can't wait to check out some of your book reviews. I'm a reader.
I confess, I am still afraid of my sewing machine. Any tips on overcoming that fear? (I'm also afraid of my new vacuum cleaner, but it has already attacked me several times… long story.) Anyway, happy SITS day to you.
happy SITS day…you do have got an interesting blog! keep it up
Happy SITS Day! Wow, you blog on a pretty big range of topics! Awesome!
Hi there, I came upon your blog by way of the SITS site. I'm new to both. Congrats on your day!
I'm loving your blog. I'm really going to have to check out your recipes. I love food and cooking it!! Have a great day!
Stopping by from SITS! Great blog!!
Happy SITS day! I too am frightened of my sewing machine–so frightened in fact that I no longer have one.
Normally I shy away from crafty bloggers (they intimidate me…) but you have caught my attention. Good job! I'm now a follower.
Congrats on your SITS day! I was way excited to see that you were todays feature!
Congrats on your SITS day! Looks like there are quite a few projects here to be added to my to do list. Looks like you've got your sewing machine under control, not need to fear it – I'm more scared of my serger!
Happy SITS Day!!!
It's my first time here and I'm LOOOVING your blog to pieces. Adding you to my reader – I'll absolutely be back often 🙂
happy sits day! love your blog. so thankful for sits because I find bloggers like you!
You sound fascinating!
Congrats on your SITS day! Reading your Jane Eyre review was great fun and I TOTALLY agree! I also love that your blog has one of my favorite words in the title (it's not housewife) 🙂 Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your special day!
I absolutely LOVE your Letters To My World series of postcards. It was a hoot reading your letter to the sun about not waking your daughter up so early in the mornings…I would like to second that request! That truly is one of the funniest ideas I have read in quite a long time! It would make a great Meme that other bloggers can link up with!
Congrats on your SITS Day. I for one am going to be back…and often!
HAPPY SITS Day! Your literary comparison made me laugh! I love BOTH those books and it was delightful to read such a witty take on things! I love your style of writing! I'll definitely be back!
Happy SITS Day! Did I hear you say you were once scared of your sewing machine? I still have that problem. Maybe one day I'll venture to the basement and pull it back out again.
so glad you are the FB today…this is my first time stopping by, but I will definitely be back often!
Congratulations on your SITS day! I am going to start with the recipe box 🙂
Hi! New follower here from SITS! I love the blog and all the new ideas and hints and tricks.
I've never owned a sewing machine. How's that for skeered?
Congratulations on your SITS day!
Happy SITS day!
Wow, you are one talented, creative lady! Great job, mama!
I too am a huge fan of Picasa and love that you are sharing tips/tricks to it's greatness!
Keep doing a fantastic job with this blog! you rock! 🙂
Congrats on your SITS day. I love your blog and have it listed on my blog site.
Keep on girl.
Happy SITS day. Great blog. Am now a follower.
Congratulations & Happy SITS Day!! Couldn't have happened to a cooler blogger.
Your blog (and the little one) are adorable. Excellent writing and lots of interesting content. I wish you the best. 😉
Happy SITS day! I love your blog! Your tips on what to wear for family pics are great. I'm off to go snoop around some more!
Happy SITS day!!!
New follower here and I'm sure I'm going to be coming back time after time, you've got a lot of great stuff here! 🙂
Happy SITS day! Your blog sounds like a really interesting mix of different topics. It's my first time here so I'm off to have a look around.
I could really do with some photography tips, I've got a DSLR but I still have so much to learn about it.
Have a lovely day,
Happy SITS day!! I'm off to read that Quiet Book tutorial that I caught a glimpse of before I clicked on "post comment"! Looks like a good place to start exploring your blog!
Happy SITS Day! Your blog looks like so much fun and I can't wait to check it all out!
Happy SITS Day! It's nice to 'meet' you! I have a feeling I'm really going to enjoy perusing your blog! 🙂
Have a great SITS day! There's so much good stuff here I'm not even sure where to start! I'll definitely be signing up for the blog directory. Thanks for sharing that and enjoy your day in the spotlight!
Happy SITS Day to you, eclectic Renaissance woman!
Wow you are one BUSY Mom!! Happy SITS day and I look forward to getting back here again to see what you are up to next.
Make it a great day!
Congrats on your SITS day! You must be a fantastic multitasker! Crafts, recipes, a toddler, etc? How do you have the time?
i'm so glad i found you through SITS!!! i once was afraid of my sewing machine as well and now i love it!! i'm still not very good at it, but it completes my life! 😉
looking forward to reading more about you and visiting often!!! Off to browse some more sewing stuff!!
Congratulations on your SITS DAY! You have a great variety of topics here now dont you. Dont worry your not alone, Im still afraid of sewing machines and have a mountain of dishes as we speak. 🙂 By the way I loved the paper roses. What a great idea. I look forward to seeing whats next!
Happy SITS day! I am intrigued by you and all of your different activities. Eclectic? yes! But I think you sound like Superwoman! Egads, a 2 year old and you sew, blog, create crafts, and cook food?? I think that I better hope my husband never meets you! 🙂
-So nice to meet you!
I love your blog! I am adding it to my daily read category in my reader! You have so much information I want to read… I think it will take me a while to read most of it! 🙂
I too share a fear of being forced to do the dishes and I MUST FOLLOW a fellow Texan. Although when I got married we moved to Alabama… Texas is still my home (Houston). So congratulations on your SITS Day! I'm looking forward to exploring more of your site and keeping up with your blog regularly!!
Happy SITS day. I just discovered you through SITS, and after seeing those paper roses and some of those recipes I'm really glad I did. I look forward to seeing your posts pop up in my reader.
Congrats on your SiTs day! I love that you have a section about photography. I just bought my first lens yesterday and am not having a panic attack about not understanding what I purchased. Its all so new and overwhelming to me. 😀
Yay! It's your SITS day! Congrats and enjoy.
I'm terrified of a sewing machine too. I've TRIED many times in my life, but I just plain suck at it. But, not terrified of the dishes, haha.
Very cool blog, so much to look at.
Happy SITS day! I am a new visitor, I love all the different subjects you cover. I am always in search of new recipes, off to browse those first!
Happy SITS day! Enjoy your time in the spotlight! Lots of bloggy love coming your way today. Hope you have a chance to visit back.
Happy SITS DAY! 🙂
Happy SITS day and I'm so glad you review books – I love to read and am always on the hunt for good books. I can already tell that I am going to love digging into your site!!
Happy sits day! Can't wait to go through your recipes and phtography tips!
I hope you're having a great SITS day!
Congrats on your SITS day! I hope it is really awesome.
Stopping in to share your SITS day. I'm already a follower. I love the origami roses. I can't wait to make some. And I just saw your "Quiet Book." One of these will definitely be finding it's way into my granddaughter's Christmas stocking. Have a great SITS day.
congrats on your SITS day!
Hi Debra! Nice to meet you via SITS! I'll be looking around while I'm here! : )
Congrats on your SITS day! What great blog – love that you've combined so many different topics into your blog. Keep it up!
Happy SITS Day! I love the origami roses.
Happy SITS day! Mmm, that tomato noodle soup looks good – I'm going to nab that recipe. And, I am not a big Jane Austen fan either. Keepin it real sister, keepin it real.
Happy SITS Day!
I really love your style…I'll be back over and over again! I followed you!
Stopping by from SITS to say congratulations and Happy Happy SITS Day, from all of us to you!! I really look forward to following you and trying out your recipes and crafts, thank you so much for sharing!
Enjoy your SITS Day! Looking forward to reading more and learning a few things, too. =)
Congrats on your SITS day, what a neat blog you have!
Congrats on your SITS day! I clicked through to your paper roses first, because they are just so cute and I wanted to know how to make them. I'm so impressed that your husband is the one who made them! What an awesome Valentine's Day surprise! My husband tried to do crafts with me one time, and that is one of the funniest evenings of my life, he was so horrible, lol!
Congrats on your SITS day first of all. It's always nice having house guests, isn't it? I am in awe of the craftiness around here. And that you got your husband making paper roses. That deserves a medal or something. You can see so much care and love of blogging, it feels very homey on your site and I just learned how to organize my earrings! I'm moving today and they are all a giant wad right now. Thanks for such a great, and easy solution.
Debra, congratulations on your SITS day! I hope it's a smashing success. I just read and enjoyed your tutorial for the paper roses ~ wonderful! I'm looking forward to checking out Marv n' Joe (I'm intrigued), and am also excited about your Blogshare community! Best, Jenn/Rook No. 17
happy sits day. your blog looks fresh and fun. i enjoyed reading your book review for jane eyre. i like mr. darcy a helluva lot better than elizabeth bennet. she bugs me. haven't read about jane, though. maybe i should.
Over from SITS to say hello. Can't wait to check out your blog!
I'm scared of my sewing machine, too. I bought it about 3 yrs. ago and have never even taken it out of the box…someday:o)
Congrats on your SITS day, Debra. This is a refreshing blog. And eclectic is an understatement. I enjoyed your postcards to the world and the strength with which you made a case for Jane Eyre. Following!
Happy SITS! I already follow you and am glad that you are being featured!
Happy SITS day. I am going to try those roses. They are too cute!
Congrats on your SITS Day. I am having so much fun going through your posts, you have an awesome blog, can't wait to read more!! Hope your day is full of lots of bloggy lovin 🙂
Congrats on your SITS Day! Your paper roses remind me of my wedding day (roses in a cone all along our pews) so I'll have to make them sometime. Can't wait to check out more of your tutorials!
I am adding you to my blog roll! Loving your blog! have a wonderful SITS day! Off to read more!
I just registered my blog with you, put your button on my blog, too. You have an amazing talent girl! Thanks for sharing your world on the blogosphere. Happy SITS Day to you!
Also, I referred to you in my blog today! =]
Happy SITS day! I left a comment on your Jane Eyre book review, so I'll keep this short. 🙂
congratulations and enjoy your day!!
I'm already a follower of yours, so when I checked in at SITS today, I was so excited to see someone I follow be featured!! Congrats!
Happy, Happy SITS Day Debra!! So glad to be introduced to your blog. Hope your day is fabulous!!
Congrats on your day! From the looks of it … you totally deserve it. What a great blog. 🙂
Congratulations on your SITS day! I love blogs that have a little bit of everything, definitely have to follow you!
Happy day! Your blog has such an amazing assortment of everything! I especially love your photography tips.
Happy SITS Day!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!
Happy SITS Day! I love your blog. Going to follow!
Happy SITS Day! The blogshare community is a great idea! I'm going to join right now. Have a wonderful and fun day!
Congrats on your SITS day! I loved seeing your name pop up on my SITS email! You go girl. Now everyone else will know how cool your are!
Congrats! I love your crafts. They are really pretty. I wish you many more blessings.
Happy SITS day! You have a wonderful, fun, and funny blog here keep up the good work!
Happy SITS day! You have some awesome crafts! I'm a scrapbooker but am scared of a sewing machine… maybe I should poke around and see if you can help me overcome my fear!
Happy SITS day! I read your review of Jane Eyre and loved it – now I want to go read it again – as soon as my kids let me have a minute to myself, ha!
Do you think that if I read your blog enough, some of your creative craftiness will rub off on me? 🙂
Happy SITS day! I love that you used your SITS post to sum up your blogs purpose. It was very well-written and intriguing. I'm totally following! 🙂
Your blog looks like lots of fun. Going to stay and snoop around for a while. Have a GREAT SITS Day.
Congratulations on your SITS Day!
Happy SITS day! Your bloggy energy is enviable and your blog really is eclectic. Book reviews and origami roses and recipes? Truly awesome and inspiring. Blogshare community too? Sign me up! :o)
congrats on your day! your little girl is a doll baby!
Today is my first visit to your blog but I'll definitely be coming back – it's great to meet another polymath in the blogosphere 🙂
Wowzers! You've got a lot to offer here on your blog! I hopped from SITS straight to your review of Jane Eyre and to here to learn more about you and I have to say, I'm glad you are the Featured Blogger today……because now I know you're here, can say 'hey there!', and come back! :> Happy SITS Day to you, I'm off to explore more!
Happy SITS day. I need to make friends with my sewing machine one of these days. It's a handmedown from my grandmother, and she did great things with it. I don't expect to ever compete, but I'd like to do some basics with it.
Happy SITS day! Your blog sounds fabulous. I am also a mother of a two year old but with another little one close behind. It can be quite a handful.
Hope you had a great feature day!!
Happy SITS Day to you! I'm amazed at some of the things you make. Your daughter is beautiful.
I just LOVE that felt doll book. I might put that on my list of crafts to do with my kids.
Congrats!! Love your site! I added you to my blogroll and joined yours 🙂
You are so creative! I love the pictures and your to-the-point style on the tutorials.
Happy SITS day! I am a newbie and want to tell you you have a great blog, busy aren't you? Have a great day!
your blog is like the best kind of vacation, filled with laughter and discovery ~ i was hollerin' over here at your postcards to the world, especially the one to "kleptokid" haha – boy can i relate to that one – i must confess i'm a bit intimidated by the sewing machine as well, but i am determined to get in there and take control! i LOVE your recipe box, that sure would be helpful for me on my blog as my recipe collection grows! well sweet bella, you have inspired me in marvelous ways, can't wait to check out your baby bows!
Congratulations on your special day!!! Hope its a blast! I can't wait to make some corkscrew bows – three of my five kids are girls, very girly-girls I might add! I love to see all the topics you cover in your blogging – gives me inspiration to veer off course a little bit sometimes.
Looks like you've got some great recipes listed! I will have to check them out!! Congrats on your SITS day!
Wonderful idea — where would we be without encouragement from those who seem to know us better than we know ourselves.
So glad you listened to your professor and as a result, I get to wish you 'Happy SITS Day'!
Keep doing what you love.
Sorry I'm so late….
Peace and serenity,
'The End Of The Rainbow: Life After Bankruptcy'
whoa whoa whoa. did u say south texas cuz ur FROM texas? if so, i like you. i'm a texan too. dfw area.
Eclectic is an accurate description. Your talents appear all over the map. Your craft tutorials are nicely done! I remember the button on a string toy. Not that I was a pioneer . . .
Happy SITS day to you!!
Congratulations on your SITS day!
Can't wait to check out your recipe bar! Love the photos on your blog! Happy SITS day!
hi there! what a fun blog. i'm a former tv news producer + writer myself. i can't wait to peruse your blog… and I'm your newest follower. Hope you stop by when you have time. Happy SITS!
Visting from SITS! Congrats on your big day. I love your suggestions for family pix. I have bookmarked it & will refer to it often, I am sure. Great job!
Visiting from SITS! Happy day! Love your blog, subscribing now.
Thirty seconds in and I'm already inspired. Off to read how to make a bow holder as my three month old already has more hair accessories than I have owned in all my life!
Happy Belated SITS Day! I appreciate the time you've put into the craft tutorials–they are very cool.
Hey Deborah! Happy late SITS day! Your blog is great and I have to tell you I love your Letters to the World! I have you bookmarked to visit each week!
Happy Sits-ness 😉 ?idk but congrats! Love your blog glad you're getting recognized!