My daughter has always been a pretty good student but when she entered third grade, things started to change. She was still a good student, turning her homework in on time and trying her hardest but math homework became emotional and frustrating as she struggled to learn the new concepts being taught. In our area, third grade is the year that mutliplitcation and division are added to the math curriculum and it can be a big jump for many students. We tried flash cards, we played math games in the pool and everything else I could think of but it was a time intensive way to go about things. I found Smartick and we started our free trial to see if this was something that could help her. A couple of weeks later, I was in her classroom when her teacher stopped me and asked me what had changed for her in math. I told her that we had started a new program and asked if it was really making that much of a difference, she told me whatever I was doing to not let her stop because it was working. She has been doing Smartick every day since.
What is Smartick?
Smartick is more than just an app, it is a method. It is a method powered by artificial intelligence that adjusts to each individual child. Smartick is supported by the European Union and it’s being introduced now in the US. More than 32,000 students from 100 countries have been through the program so far. Since the method isn’t focused on one particular state or country’s curriculum it can really focus on where you child needs help. In fact, 94% of children improve their grades in school after only 2 months of using Smartick. This program for kids 4-14 works to reinforce fundamental math skills and build a strong base. Smartick is the perfect alternative to Kumon, Russian School of Math, and other after-school programs. Every day, your child participates in a 15 minute session of exercises designed to help them reach their maximum potential.
Why 15 Minute Sessions?
- Short Daily Sessions Allow For Maximum Concentration
- Avoids Burnout
- Keeps Kids Motivated
- Keeps Kids Coming Back For More
Smartick keeps students motivated through positive reinforcement to encourage them to continue learning. Every day my daughter comes to me and tells me how many ticks she earned that day. The Gamification of elements keep the kids engaged and improve concentration, all while reinforcing cognitive skills.
What is a Tick?
As students work on their math program, they earn ticks which are like coins or points that they can spend on things for their avatar in the program.
Ways to Earn Ticks
- Completing Problems and Sessions in the Program
- Correcting Errors Made on Problems
- Using Smartick for 3 days in a row/ a week in a row
Parent Involvement
My absolute favorite part of Smartick is how easily it allows me to be involved. Every day after my daughter completes a session, it emails me with how she did in every area. It keeps me well informed about how to help her and where she is struggling. performance. If I want to know more, Ican log into the dashboard and see study plans, questions and
units my daughter has answered, as well as the speed of resolution of each question.
We have truly loved Smartick in our home and I can’t wait to see how it helps my daughter prevent the summer slide this year. Any program that changes her performance so much that her teacher noticed is just what she needs to succeed.
Where to find Smartick
You can find Smartick on the App Store and Google Play. When you download the app, you can try it out for two weeks for free.
If you sign up with this link you will get 25% off!
What Apps do you use to help your kids?
It is amazing how far technology has come now when it comes to helping children learn, this sounds like an awesome app to help with maths.
This looks like a wonderful math app for the kiddos. I have to look into downloading it for them.
I have been looking for a starter math app – does this start at preschool age, basic additional and subtraction?
This looks like an amazing app. My kids LOVE math and often ask to do math when they don’t have homework! This would be a great way to nuture this love!
I love the sound of this app for kids to get started on math. The world is an ever changing place, and I feel we owe it to our kids to give them the tools they need to succeed. It sounds like she’s gotten the hang of it!
Our oldest grandchild will be in 3rd grade in the fall. Hard to believe it! I think we might look into this app for her to use so she can get a jump on her math.
The distributed practice you describe, frequent attempts with a high frequency, really do work for kids.
Also check out for a wide curriculum. ANd I particularly like FASTTMath for basic math facts.
Thanks for sharing this one!
This app sounds like it makes math fun. I wish we would have had this back when I was learning math!
I would have loved this as a kid. I really like/liked math and always wanted to do it over other subjects in school!
My daughter really loves math. I totally need to check out this app. I bet she would really enjoy it!
I totally agree with the 15 minute sessions. Math can be overwhelming. I enjoy it a lot but sometimes it can be a bit tricky. Seems like an app that would be very helpful.
This is an app I know my kids would love. I’m going to have to look into it asap!
I love apps that are both fun and educational for my girls. I have 2 girls who’s favorite subject is math so this app looks like one they would enjoy playing.
My girls have a math app at school that they’re required to use. They HATE it! I have tried to help get them excited, but I totally get where they’re coming from. It isn’t very dynamic or fun. This one needs to happen though. Looks like it will be much more engaging.
Something that’ll make The Grands enjoy and want to do math? Si, Por Favor and Gracias!! Will be sharing this with their parents today! BB2U