It is time to look back on the top 10 posts of 2012. I was surprised how prevalent the felt flower posts were in the top 10. I think I am going to have to come up with some new felt flowers for 2013.
10. The Capriel Felt Flower. This twisty fun flower is perfect for those printed felts.
9. Spaghetti Storage from a Pringles Can. We still use this in our pantry.
8. The World’s Best Homemade Play-doh. My little girl LOVES play-doh, so we make this all the time.
7. The Camri Flower. This is another one of my favorite felt flowers.
6. Chalkboard Photos Shoots. This is something we do every year now.
5. How to Make Glitter Shoes. I STILL love these shoes.
4. A Bridal Shower Advice book with a free printable.
3. Stuffed Baked Apples. These are delicious and one of my most “pinned” posts ever.
2. The Amy Felt Flower. This flower was a process of trial and error and it is one of my favorites.
1. A Children’s Real Doctor Kit. This project came to be when my daughter thought the plastic doctor kits were too babyish.
I can’t believe that 2012 is coming to a close already. It was a wonderful year. I had some big changes this year and I am looking forward to a smooth 2013. Happy New Year.
Those are all really great posts! I love the "real" Doctor kit 😀 That looks so much more fun than the cheap, fake, plastic kind that you buy. Adore the felt flowers!