I am a word-lover, so seeing word collages (like this one on Oopsey Daisy) becoming more popular just makes me happy (and gives me ideas for an update for my own blog header over at just Lu…). Many talented and wonderful people create their own word collages using Photoshop or other design software, but if you’re like me and don’t have the time, energy, or creativity to create your own, check out Wordle and Tagxedo, two fantastic online word collage creators.
Both Wordle and Tagxedo allow you to create a word collage from your own selection of words or from the RSS feed of any site or blog. From there, you can customize which words (or punctuation) you want to show, the color scheme (theme) of the word collage, and the general layout.
Use Wordle to create a word cloud like the one above, based on the Housewife Eclectic RSS feed. The words are weighted so that the words that appear most are larger. Is it a surprise to anyone that squash and picture are two of the largest words in the Housewife Eclectic word cloud? 🙂 (We love you, your squash, and your pictures, Debra!)
Tagxedo (and, no, I have no idea how to correctly pronounce it!) creates a shaped word cloud. You can choose from over 40 different shapes! This could make for some very fun wall art, postcards, or many other crafty endeavors.
Both of these apps are very easy to use. The one benefit to Tagxedo is being able to save your collages to your computer; with Wordle, you either have to take a screenshot or save your collage to a public gallery. Aside from that, the possibilities are endless! If you create a word collage, add it to the Housewife Eclectic Photo Share on Flickr so that everyone can ooh and ahh properly. 🙂
Until next Wednesday!
Lu (or Lorene if you prefer) is the mom of one squirmy boy and the wife of a singing and dancing elementary teacher. She is the proud author of this weekly Wednesdays on the Web (WotW) segment here on Housewife Eclectic and spends the other days of the week blogging about books, crafts, recipes, and whatever else comes up at just Lu.
Megan Harmeyer says
What a great idea!! Thanks for sharing the goodies.
Montessori For Learning says
I love wordle. I haven't tried Taxedo… but will now! Wordle is one of the things I allow my children to create during their weekly computer rotation.
Chasity @ The Intertwined Life says
So cool. I have never heard of these sites – but will be heading over. Thanks.
My 5 Monkeys(Julie) says
never had heard of these sites and stopping by from SITS
Tammy says
Again…love your blog! I learn so much!!
Larri @ Seams Inspired says
Thanks for sharing those sites! I can't wait to use them and read through your posts. Found you at Buzz on By. Happy Thursday! :o)
Marianne (aka Lucy's Human) says
I'm a new follower from Hop On By Thursday. I love your blog and look forward to following you!
PS- thanks for sharing the above information! I can't wait to check it out!