Scroll to the bottom for video of the roses! I woke up to these this morning. My husband decided that paper roses were the way to go this year. I love them! He learned how to make them from a student last week and decided to make them for me. I begged and begged for […]
Cute Valentine Card
Need a cute card quick? This is perfect. You will need. A 12×12 piece of plain card stock a color piece of paper green paper a cupcake paper a picture of your child or you that the face is small enough in to fit in the center. Cut the 12×12 paper down the center long […]
DIY Scrabble Bracelets
Shortly after I had my first daughter, my best friend and I got together for a craft day. We wanted something that was affordable to make (because we were poor college students), easy to make in between holding an adorable baby and super cute to wear. We came up with these Scrabble Bracelets and still […]
Scrabble Tile Frames
Yesterday, I was doing my typical craft searches when I came across someone making magnets out of their Scrabble tiles. I was delighted! I love Scrabble tiles. This is the first of two projects I am going to show you with Scrabble tiles. You need a wood frame – I get 4×6 unfinished wood frames […]
Christmas Crafts with Kids part 2 of 3
Want to make a mini snow globe? All you need is glitter, a baby food jar, a small plastic item that won’t be destroyed by water and hot glue. Clean your baby food jar our and dry. Take your little plastic ornament and glue it to the inside of the baby food jar lid. Fill […]