After saying I was going to get around to reading this book for almost three years, I finally got around to it. All I have to say is, it is easily on my favorites list. Frindle is clever and fun. It screams creativity and kid power. The main character of Frindle is what I always […]
Book Review – The Westing Game
The Westing Game is another favorite of Seth’s from his childhood. I really like the book but it was extremely confusing at first. The book introduces tons of characters all at once in the beginning. It takes quite awhile before you are able to straighten all of the characters out and remember the characteristics of […]
Rebox Review- Valkyrie
How utterly and completely depressing. Watching Valkyrie is kind of like watching Titanic. Since the movie is based on a historical incident you already know what happens. The ship sinks and nobody assassinated Hitler. As for the movie itself, it was done well. The movie is based on war and so yes, it is violent […]
Children’s Book Review- Matilda
Somewhere I missed the boat. I spent most of my elementary days reading books that I am pretty sure were way above my comprehending. While in elementary school, I read Roots, Great Expectations and others like them. With my desire to read adult books came a loss. I lost the opportunity to read all of […]
Book Review – Eat, Pray, Love
Book Review- Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert ( I have tried to not include spoilers) There is something about this book that is magical to me. Every time there is a trial or hardship in my life, I find myself wanting to run away. Run away to another country and be something else, find […]