This review of Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson may contain some spoilers. Also know that Speak contains some sensitive subject material which may be briefly mentioned in this review. This is strictly of review of the book, not the movie which I have not seen. “THE FIRST TEN LIES THEY TELL YOU IN HIGH SCHOOL 1. […]
To See Wuthering Heights Is Not To Know It
This review for Wuthering Heights is full of spoilers, but I would surprised if you don’t already know the story. It took me a long time to read Wuthering Heights. I have seen so many different versions of Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, Jane Eyre and others that sometimes my husband is convinced that […]
The Winter Sea- Book Review
I have read a lot of books in my life and I have loved many of them, but few of them have broken my heart. Broken it, not necessarily because of sad material, although there is plenty of that, but broken it because the book is finished. Broken, because I no longer get to go […]
Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet, Give Me Something Good to…Wear?
Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. What’s not to like? Candy corn, pumpkins, corn mazes and, of course, dressing up. My little girl started early this year, changing her mind every other day about what she wanted to be, coming up with all sorts of different ideas and making me fret about […]
Water for Elephants- Book Review
You have probably seen advertisements for the movie Water for Elephants. It has received a lot of hype recently because it stars Robert Pattinson, but before it was a movie it was a book by Sarah Gruen. A book about love, retirement homes, but most of all the circus. This book tends to polarize people, they either loved […]